Cursor's Fury

Cursor's Fury

Jim Butcher

Synopsis of Cursor's Fury

The power-hungry High Lord of Kalare has launched a rebellion against the aging First Lord, Gaius Sextus, who with the loyal forces of Alera must fight beside the unlikeliest of allies-the equally contentious High Lord of Aquitaine.

Meanwhile, young Tavi of Calderon joins a newly formed legion under an assumed name even as the ruthless Kalare unites with the Canim, bestial enemies of the realm whose vast numbers spell certain doom for Alera. When treachery from within destroys the army's command structure, Tavi finds himself leading an inexperienced, poorly equipped legion-the only force standing between the Canim horde and the war-torn realm.

Reviews of Cursor's Fury


Mr. Butcher's talent is something that cannot be disputed. -- Amanda Faye, The Eternal Night

The action scenes are tense and well-played out. -- April Gutierrez, The Greenman Review