'the Subject Is Closed...: A priest visits the tavern and goes one-on-one with a chirpsithra alien on the subject of God and life after death.
'table Mannners: A Folk Tale...: Rick Schumann is invited to hunt with five folk aliens, but he's not quite sure what their hunt entails, or if he will be the hunted.
...Wisdom of Demons...: The age-old question of wisdom vs. knowledge is asked when Rick is confronted by a human who has been granted the wisdom of an individual gligstith(click)optok alien.
...Losing Mars... in this unpublished tale, a group of aliens who call Mars and its moon home, arrive at the Tavern only to find that humans have mostly forgotten about their neighboring planet.
Join Rick Schummann and his staff as they explore the alien passersby and attempt to chronicle the seemingly infinite alien species that spend a few moments pondering life and all its questions within the Draco Tavern.
For most science-fiction readers, these aliens and incidents will provide sufficient food for thought to make up for much of their literary deficiencies. -- D. Douglas Fratz, Scifi.com
Science fiction readers who treasure exploring cultural anthropology concepts that include aliens from Mars, Europa, and elsewhere will savor this compilation, a few anecdotes at a sitting toasting Larry Niven for opening the mind. -- Harriet Klausner, The Best Reviews
This is one of the best single Author, single Series collections that I've had the pleasure to read. -- Cat Eldridge, The Greenman Review