Kevin Anderson has created a fully independent and richly conceived venue for his personal brand of space opera, a venue that nonetheless raises fruitful resonances with Frank Herbert's classic Dune Series. -- Paul Di Filippo,
It's space opera in its purest form, combining the childlike enthusiasm of the old Flash Gordon serials with the complex plotting of Frank Herbert's Dune. -- John C. Snider, ScifiDimensions
Despite the headache of sorting out who's who all the time (some readers might resort to taking textBook-style margin notes) the novel is interesting and rewarding... -- Chris Wyatt, Cinescape
The only bad thing is this whole Book is the flyleaf... when it says that we won't get to see what happens next until Summer 2004. -- Cindy Lynn Speer, The Fantastica Daily
A FOREST OF STARS is interesting and worth the read--but also disappointing for the way it falls short of its promise. -- BooksForABuck