In Goddess of the Ice Realm, as Garric and his retinue reach the island city of Carcosa, the wizard Tenoctris perceives a powerful supernatural assault directed against them. Ilna and her beloved, Chalcus, are sent to investigate a magical threat to shipping in the north. Cashel is translated into another world by evil magic, and Sharina to yet another. All of them face deadly dangers and overcome them before they are again united during the terrifying and dramatic climax.
Once we get away from Garrick and into the three subplots, GODDESS OF THE ICE REALM really picks up its pace and delivers a diet of action, mayhem, and old-fashioned magic. -- BooksForABuck
This fifth Book in Drake's Lord of the Isles saga shows that there are still plenty of places to explore. -- Cindy Lynn Speer, Fantastica Daily