The Sab

The Sab

Steve Zinger

Synopsis of The Sab

A vampire had plagued Heather Langden for about as long as she could remember... Vampires haunt, from the cobblestone streets of the old city, to the gaudy, laissez-faire rue Ste-Catherine, where strip clubs nestle next to churches. Heather, far too young to have become an immortal, is one of them. Yet Heather is also haunted, but she can't quite figure out why...

He stood up here because he heard remnants again...

Korson had roamed the wilds of New York State as a young native Blackfoot. Then his tribe disappeared, thinking he had deserted them. He wandered the woods, hopeless and abandoned, and it was a vampire that found him. With cunning and guile, she brought the darkness of her world down upon him...

It has been said that endless hours of darkness have been known to cause madness in the most capable of men...

Graham St. Croix worked the night shift on the Urban Community Police Service. It has taken him five years to come to terms with what he saw. Now, that vision is before him again, tall, fearsome and ghastly, and calling himself the vampire Korson...

She dreams of darkness...and clutching tightly to a blue rose made of blood... For a thousand years, Talissa has slept. Now she has awoken, and is hungry for power and bitter from the rejection of her love. For 150 years, she...d been amassing an army of dead warriors to create, the wicked, wicked Sab, and there may be little that Heather, Korson and Graham can do to stop it from destroying mankind...

Reviews of The Sab


The Sab is the kind of story that gets you going, relies on storytelling, dialogue, and character development to reel you in. -- Nancy Jackson, The Eternal Night