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The Annual Board Meeting Business/Services Section

Annual Board Meeting Kit

There must be formal records of meetings and of the resolutions adopted by the board of directors of a corporation. At a minimum, the board must hold an annual meeting to appoint the officers of the corporation for the coming year, decide if dividends will be declared for the year, and make any other annual decisions regarding the financial matters of the business. This packet provides tools, guidelines and forms for conducting your corporation’s annual board of directors meeting. This attorney-prepared packet contains:
  1. Notes regarding Directors Meetings
  2. Annual Board of Directors Meeting Checklist
  3. Notice of Annual Board of Directors Meeting form
  4. Sample Affidavit of Mailing of Notice of Annual Board of Directors Meeting form
  5. Sample Waiver of Notice of Annual Board of Directors Meeting form
  6. Sample Minutes of Annual Board of Directors Meeting form
State Law Compliance: Designed for use in all states

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