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The Employment Business/Services Section

Employment Agreement

All employers must provide employees with a written statement of their terms of employment. The easiest way to do this is to provide all employees with the following employment agreement. This UK Employment Agreement deals with all the issues one would expect to see in an employment agreement; pay, holiday, place of work and hours to be worked. These forms have been created by UK lawyers for use in England and Wales.

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Employment Agreement - Director Service Agreement

All executive directors of a company should have written terms of their service. Remember even though a person can be a director of a company he can also still be its employee. As an employee he will benefit from all the usual employment rights and protections in England. This UK director’s service agreement deals with all the issues one would expect to see in an employment agreement; pay, holiday, place of work and hours worked etc. These forms have been created by UK lawyers for use in England and Wales.

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Flexible Working Policy

Our UK flexible working policy outlines the right of eligible employees, both male and female, to request flexible working arrangements in order to care for young children or children of all ages with disabilities. The law gives some employees (those with parental responsibility for a child under six (or 18 if disabled) and carers of certain adults) the right to request flexible working times and places a duty on employers to consider such requests extremely seriously. Those with \\"parental responsibility\\" include biological parents, legal guardians, adoptive and foster parents and those who hold a residence order for of a child. The flexible working policy is suitable for use in England, Wales and Scotland and covers the following:
  • definition of flexible working
  • who can apply
  • how to apply
  • how employer should respond
  • appeals
  • grounds for refusal.
These forms have been created by UK lawyers for use in England and Wales.

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Grievance Procedure

Our UK grievance procedure document sets out the statutory grievance procedure to be followed by employees and employers. It identifies the various steps in raising a grievance and how the grievance will be dealt with. Such a procedure is particularly useful to have in place as it will promote fair and reasonable behaviour from both management and staff. The Employment Act 2002 makes it a requirement for all employers to issue a written document that sets out their grievance procedure. This grievance procedure is suitable for use in England, Wales and Scotland and covers the following:
  • informal procedure
  • standard 3-step grievance procedure
  • modified 2-step grievance procedure
  • when procedures do not apply.
These forms have been created by UK lawyers for use in England and Wales.

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Harassment, Discrimination and Equal Opportunity Policy

This policy covers each of harassment, discrimination and equal opportunities in one simple document that is suitable for use in England, Wales and Scotland. The harassment policy sets out clearly how the employer will create a harmonious, harassment-free working environment and outlines what harassment in the workplace is and how it will be dealt with. The policy covers the following:
  • definition of harassment (sexual, racial, age, bullying and intimidation)
  • procedure for dealing with harassment
  • informal procedure
  • formal procedure
  • confidentiality
With respect to the equal opportunities policy this part of the policy demonstrates the employer's commitment to equal opportunities and abhorrence of discrimination. As well as making a clear statement to all employees about the company's expectations with regard to equal opportunities and how it will not tolerate discrimination, it also acts as a rule book in the event of any subsequent disputes and how these will be dealt with and includes the following:
  • recruitment
  • training
  • promotion
  • grievance procedures.

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Internet and Telephone Policy

This Internet and Telephone Policy sets out the rights, responsibilities and limitations on the use of a business’s internet, email and telephone facilities in the course of employment. Employers must make sure that any monitoring or recording of personal emails or internet use takes place with employees' knowledge and there must be good reason for doing so otherwise employers could potentially breach the Human Rights Act. The policy covers internet activities such as blogging and instant messaging, the potential pitfalls of using email and the actions required of staff to ensure compliance with data protection regulations and the avoidance of security breaches and software piracy. It also includes the option to restrict internet and email usage to business use only or to allow personal use outwith normal working hours. Employees should sign a copy of the policy to show that they have read and understood it to prevent any claim that they have not seen or understood the policy if a problem arises. The computer policy is suitable for use in England, Wales and Scotland and covers the following:
  • personal use of company email and internet services
  • downloading files
  • installation of software
  • virus protection
  • password security
  • monitoring
  • confidentiality
  • copyright
  • prohibited use
  • disciplinary action

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Parental Leave Policy

Our parental leave policy describes the rights of both male and female employees (including parents who have adopted), who have completed one year\\'s continuous service with their employer, to take unpaid leave to look after a child. Parental leave can be taken up to the child\\'s fifth birthday (18th birthday if the child is disabled) and is in addition to any maternity or paternity leave to which employees may be entitled around the time of the birth of their child. This parental leave policy is suitable for use in England, Wales and Scotland and deals with the following:
  • who can take parental leave
  • how much leave can be taken
  • when parental leave can be taken
  • evidence required
  • notice
  • periods of leave
  • rights to return to work
  • terms of employment on return

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Maternity Leave Policy

The maternity policy describes the rights of female employees when they need to take time off to have a baby and what happens when they return to work. Maternity leave includes the period of time leading up to the birth of a child and afterwards. This maternity policy is suitable for use in England, Wales and Scotland and includes the following clauses:
  • leave entitlement
  • rights during leave
  • maternity pay
  • notification of absence
  • change of leave dates
  • return to work
  • keeping in touch
  • rights on return.

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Sickness and Attendance Policy

A sickness and attendance policy outlines the guidelines to be followed where an employee is absent due to sickness or injury or is absent due to some other reason such as to look after a dependent. This sickness and attendance policy is suitable for use in England, Wales and Scotland and includes the following clauses:
  • leave entitlement
  • rights during leave
  • maternity pay
  • notification of absence
  • change of leave dates
  • return to work
  • keeping in touch
  • rights on return.

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