Your home is one of your biggest financial assets. The idea of selling it on your own without the help of an expensive “expert” may seem daunting or perhaps even impossible. But this doesn’t need to be the case. This kit provides tools and guidelines to assist you in selling your home. With our Home Sale Kit, you’ll have all the legal forms and information you need to guide your through the sales process, from suggestions on making pre-sale improvements on your house to searching for a title company to the purchase agreement you will use to actually sell your house. Your home may be your largest financial asset, but selling it doesn’t need to be you largest headache. State Law Compliance: Designed for use in Michigan This packet includes the following forms and information: (1) Home Sale Kit Information (2) Improvement/Clean Up Checklist (3) Repairs Worksheet (4) Pricing Your Home Worksheet (5) Marketing Strategy (6) Purchaser Financial Statement (7) Sellers Disclosure Statement (8) Guest Sign-In Sheet (9) Lead Based Form (10) Right of First Refusal (11) Searching for a Title Company (12) Title Search (13) When You Receive an Offer (14) Offer to Purchase Real Estate Form (15) Closing Statement (16) Transfer Tax Information (17) Escrow Agreement Conditions (18) Addendum/ Amendment Forms (19) Power of Attorney Form (20) Warranty Deed Sample Form$49.95 Click To Buy |