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The Wills for Single Individuals (Canada) Business/Services Section

Will – Dealing with Foreign Assets Only (Canada)

Creating a Last Will & Testament is a key part of financial planning, no matter how young or healthy you may be. It's essential to plan for the future of your survivors, and a Will is the most important legal document you can create to ensure that they won't be entangled in a lengthy probate process. This Will appoints the spouse as executor and transfers all foreign assets in a specific jurisdiction to him or her. The foreign assets are to be distributed as described below: (a) Residue to Spouse if he or she survives her or him, otherwise to be treated as part of his/her principal estate. (b) This will is supplemental to a principal Will dealing with domestic assets of Testator and should be executed after the principal Will. This packet includes: • Information on making a Will, • Explanations of general terminology, • Instructions on signing a Will, and • Will dealing with foreign assets only This form can be used in the following provinces and territories: Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Northwest Territories, Nova Scotia, Nunavut, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Saskatchewan and Yukon.

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