Nine Layers of Sky

Nine Layers of Sky

Liz Williams

Synopsis of Nine Layers of Sky

A former Soviet rocket scientist, Elena Irinovna now cleans office buildings--until she crosses paths with Ilya Muromyets. A remnant of Russia's glorious and fabled past, Ilya is an eight-hundred-year-old hero turned heroin addict, dreaming of a death that never comes. They are brought together by a strange artifact Elena has found, which offers a glimpse into another dimension, creating a dangerous breach in a world Elena only thought she knew...

Ilya is no stranger to the unexplained. He's been hired by a mysterious organization to track down the artifact. But nothing prepares him for what it offers--or for a woman like Elena. Fighting their own inner demons as well as those from across the breach, Ilya and Elena embark on a harrowing trip between nations and worlds. And for the first time the man of myth and the woman of science discover that they have a dream to defend--and even die for...

Reviews of Nine Layers of Sky


Readers will likely be reminded, at times, of the lyrical prose of Lisa Goldstein, the master of this type of fiction, as Williams manipulates her surreal landscape. -- Mark Graham, Rocky Mountain news

This is a beautiful Book'thoroughly enjoyable and particularly refreshing in its treatment of a setting rarely touched in current fiction. -- A.M. Dellamonica,